BEST EVOO (70/100 - 79/100)

We proudly present the Best EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) ranking on, highlighting olive oils that have scored between 70/100 and 79/100. These oils are often the work of ambitious producers taking their first steps into competition or established producers aiming to elevate their craft to meet the demands of more discerning consumers.

These Best EVOO olive oils are a testament to the dedication of these producers, who are committed to honing their skills and refining the quality of their oils. Each oil in this category is a flawless example of excellent olive oil, exhibiting the remarkable potential of these producers.

Every taste of these Best EVOO olive oils offers a sensory experience that speaks volumes about the producer's passion and promise. Their subtle aromas, balanced flavors, and smooth texture make a strong case for the bright future these olive oils have in the competitive world of olive oil production.

Although these oils have earned their spot in the Best EVOO category, they are far from being inferior. Their quality is excellent, and they are set to captivate the global stage with their potential for even greater excellence. These oils, though already impressive, will likely become even more refined and could soon be contenders for the coveted gold medal.

In conclusion, the Best EVOO ranking on is a celebration of emerging talent and rising ambition in the olive oil world. These olive oils give us a glimpse into the promising future of this golden nectar, reflecting the relentless pursuit of excellence by the passionate producers who create them.

Asterios Kelli

By Asterios Olive Groves Of Halkidiki



By Aristton Hellas / A. Doukas - M. Douka OE



Private Collection


Estoublon Bouteillan


Ithri Olive


Moura Barrancos Lote Selecao


O'live Deirmimas


Oiliva Greka BIO 



By Georgios Psimikos


Tesoro Del Rio Plaisir